FTCC Community Outreach
FTCC Community Outreach is dedicated to connecting Families and Communities with supports and resources to enrich and enhance their quality of the life .
We are an organization committed to the positive growth and development of the communities we serve. Promoting positive growth and development through our programs to connect your family with the resources to meet your individual needs such as:
Child Care * Youth Outreach * Parenting Workshops *Family Counselling
Our Community Outreach Programs have been created to serve and to be a beacon of light to our Community. Ran by staff and volunteers who have a passion for helping people in need. Our Services are provided without judgement and bias.
Saturday Camp!
We host free camps once a month for children in kindergarten to grade 3
(3.8 yrs- 9 yrs old) who are accompanied by parents/guardians attending our Family outreach sessions at participating churches. Children are able to participate in extracurricular activities such as dance, arts, yoga, stem, and much more!
It Takes a Village - Family Outreach
FTCC hosts free Saturday camps where children have access to extracurricular activities while Parents, Guardians and Family members gain access to our support teams that provide needed resources like food security, career support (resume-building assistance in job hunting) mental health services ( counselling supports and connections e.g)
Bag lunches for the homeless
Feeding our community in need is a big passion of FTCC. FTCS has been making lunch bags for the homeless since 2012.
Our programs participate by donating food, assembling lunches and writing and drawing uplifting messages on the lunch bags. FTCS volunteers deliver these lunches to homeless individuals wherever there is a need.