It Takes a Village !
- Children's Shelter
It Takes a Village (ITAV) crisis intake, operates 365 days a year for families in crisis.
During the first communication made by the family to ITAV the crisis intake team will asses the situation to categorize the family's needs:
Red (immediate danger risk of physical abuse or death etc),
Orange (crisis prevention e.g. parent needs mental health support)
Yellow (scheduled care needed e.g. caregiver having emergency medical procedure)
Red calls indicate immediate danger and the need for immediate action on behalf of the child. The police or emergency services are called to help when children or caregivers are in danger threat of death or serious harm.
ITAV works with the family to best understand how to move forward by the following:
1)Accepting the child/ren in one of our locations,
2)Referring the family to our community partners
3)Providing the family with the appropriate support and encouragement.
In the event there is no space available to accommodate a child/ren immediately the family will be put on a waitlist and ITAV will do our best to accommodate the family as soon as possible.